Mystic River Watershed Kayak: A Photoessay

Despite growing up in the Boston area, I feel like a kid who’s been blindfolded and spun around trying to pin the tail on the donkey when I drive around Boston. When we moved here from Alaska three years ago, my then 9-year-old son Alder and I experienced acute disorientation. Our sense of dislocation was spiritual and social, but also profoundly geographic. In Juneau, the roads end in every direction. The mountains and ocean that bound Juneau tell you where you are, and which way is north. Here in the northeast amidst the tangle of asphalt and buildings we felt lost, severed from nature and nature’s guideposts. So the notion of following a continuous waterway from the suburbs to saltwater intrigued me. It took three years from idea to execution, but on Saturday we kayaked from the Upper Mystic Lake in Arlington to Boston Harbor (or at least, to tidewater). I pressed Alder into service as my adventure buddy, and three more friends joined. Our route took us...