I did it!
I solved a Rubik’s cube last night. I started learning on the flight from Boston to Seattle as we were moving back to Juneau after three years. I like how planes limit my options and force me to slow down and focus. Without the Alaska Airlines crossword or meals (covid danger), we were even bored-er than usual, so I finally assented to Alder’s offer to teach me to cube. I remember when the Rubik’s cube was all the rage in middle school. I made a few half-hearted attempts and never solved a single face. The Rubik’s cube always carried with it a vague whiff of failure. Then in December, for his Project-Based Learning class Alder was to choose something he didn’t know how to do and learn it. “I think I want to learn to do a backflip,” he said. My mind leapt to C-4 spinal cord injury, paralysis, and wheelchairs. “Mmmm,” I said, feigning neutrality. “Or how to solve a Rubik’s cube.” I shrugged. “Maybe that would be a little more prac...